3D Nipple & Areola
The purpose of this procedure is to restore and recreate the natural appearance of the breast. Permanent pigments are tattooed onto the breast to visually restore the appearance of the nipple, areola, or both. This procedure is most common for patients with breast cancer, breast surgery, or other trauma.
3D nipple & areola tattoo is a procedure designed to restore and recreate the natural appearance of the breast. Permanent pigments are tattooed onto the breast to visually restore the appearance of the nipple, areola, or both. This procedure is most common for patients with breast cancer, breast surgery, or other trauma.
For unilateral cases, the existing areola can be closely matched in regards to the shape, size, and color. For bilateral, the nipple and/or areola can be created based off of a pre-surgery image if desired.
The consultation price will be deducted from the final cost of the treatment plan. A six week follow-up appointment is included with the initial procedure.
Typically this procedure can be performed approximately 4-6 months after reconstruction surgery, or with a doctor’s approval for timeline. For breast lift scars, allow 12 months after the most recent surgery.
What Can You Expect From the Procedure?
Advanced tattooing techniques are used to replicate texture, dimension, and illusion of nipple protrusion to an otherwise, flat skin surface. For unilateral cases, the existing areola can be closely matched in regards to the shape, size, and color. For bilateral, the nipple and/or areola can be created based off of a pre-surgery image if desired.
The 3D nipple tattoo is a work of art. Complex color application and shading, as well as other skin art techniques, allow for the tattoo to have the appearance of a real nipple, and helps patients feel confident in their breasts once again. Typically this procedure can be performed approximately 4-6 months after reconstruction surgery, or with a doctor’s approval for timeline. For breast lift scars, allow 12 months after the most recent surgery.
Some Of Our Work

During The Procedure
Consultations can be scheduled at the time of procedure, but can be scheduled separately if needed. We will review some of your history and discuss your desired outcome to determine how to achieve the best color, size, and placement. Feel free to share any preferences or images for your intended results. The treatment plan for desired outcome will depend on scar placement and thickness of scar tissue. For clients who require only one 3D areola/nipple tattoo, the tattoo will be designed to match the existing nipple and restore symmetry.
After color assessment and treatment plan are determined, the treatment area will be wiped down with rubbing alcohol for measurement and mapping. A topical anesthetic will be used after the tattooing session begins. The process is generally not painful but topical numbing is available to help eliminate any discomfort. The entire procedure may take 1-3 hours from beginning to end, depending on your specific treatment. Timing is approximately 30 minutes per nipple/areola.
All appointments include a 6 week follow-up appointment. An aftercare kit with instructions will be provided at the appointment.
Aftercare and the Healing Process
Tattoo results are mostly complete after the first session. Proper aftercare must be followed for optimal healed results. Any areas that may need adjusting can be attended during the touch-up appointment. Pigment results may appear darker than anticipated during the 10 days after the procedure. After two weeks, the tattoo will soften in color.